Our Goal

1 Million Trees Planted by 2025


On an adventure across the Bolivian Cerrado forests, we learned of the widespread deforestation leading to climate change, causing fires to destroy much of the subtropical tempered forests. It was clear something needed to be done to stop the trend, but the locals didn’t seem to understand what was causing the change. Then, after spending several months in the Chiquitania, I learned of the Baru tree and knew right away this local tree, which is found only in the Cerrado forests of Bolivia and Brazil, held the key to improving the future of this amazing area.

Today we dedicate our work to influencing thousands of lives in a green-friendly social, and economical way. We will be planting trees and creating a better future for over 40 communities in the Chiquitania regions. We will continue to do so for many more communities in the years to come.

It all starts with one tree, plant yours today!

Together we will save the planet. Let's start today!

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