Our Goal

5 Million Trees Planted by 2025


Forest Management

  • Our goal is to influence private, public, and community landowners to restore critical masses of the forest.
  • It is planting local tree species that provide a natural habitat for the wildlife and economic growth for the people living there.
  • Focus on areas under integrated agricultural and forestry production.
  • Farming systems within natural forest ecosystems will yield high-quality timber deadwood timber that can selectively be repurposed.

Develop Sustainable Food Production

  • Integrated land management will support the establishment of Baru nut trees.
  • Intercropping with Baru is encouraged. The communities can and will continue to plant and harvest crops such as corn, sesame, yucca and other crops that supply a stable food source and income for their family for years.
  • Fruit from the Baru tree is used for feeding livestock. In addition, this seed has been consumed by the local community members for generations.

Reducing global CO2 Emissions

  • Dipteryx alata (Baru trees) is one of the world’s best species for CO2 conversion.
  • Baru nut trees grow well in acidic, degraded land and require very little water.
  • We plan on planting 1 million trees.
  • Local training programs will help ensure the trees are to maturity.

Indigenous Community Economic Development

  • Activity will improve the income and living conditions of local farmers and their families and supply local communities with seedlings, training, and supplies.
  • Purchasing agreements with local farmers for harvests will promote prosperity among indigenous communities for decades.

Together we will save the planet. Let's start today!

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