Our Goal
5 Million Trees Planted by 2025
There are so many ways to make a difference to save the planet by planting trees. We have many projects we are actively working on, and we have future projects you can be a part of by buying a tree.
An individual that wants to feel good about your positive impact on the world.
A family that wants to instil their values of sustainability and caring for our planet to their kids.
A Business that wants to be part of the solution. We believe corporate social responsibility is key to beating the climate crisis. Corporate partners appreciate us for providing a simple, scalable, efficient solution: planting trees.
“Changing the culture and mentality of an area isn’t easy, but my team and I quickly began with training programs in the local communities. Our mission is to help educate the local population on gaining economic growth and development through planting, harvesting, and maintenance of the Baru tree and other native species.”
Jeff Zelinski,
Together we will save the planet. Let's start today!
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